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Living a tension-free life with your beloved family is the most precious thing everybody wants. People do everything to take care of the emotional and financial needs of their loved ones.

What is life insurance policy?

Living a tension-free life with your beloved family is the most precious thing everybody wants. People do everything to take care of the emotional and financial needs of their loved ones. Everybody wishes that their family members stay happy, protected, and financially secure throughout their life, and tensions stay far away if anything unfavorable happens. People also try to find the best ways to invest their savings to take numerous benefits in the future.

Therefore, it is said that financial security is as important as physical and emotional well-being. To make this sure, you must take the right decisions to protect the financial future of your family in case of any unforeseen events. The future is uncertain; we do not know what the situation will be after a period of time. But, we can overcome this risk factor by taking the right decisions at the correct times.

This is where the selection of purchasing the best life insurance policy plays a paramount role. It not only acts as a tool to secure your family from any financial losses that may come up in case of an unfortunate and sudden demise but also provides you healthy leverage to enjoy financial freedom with good monetary returns. The life insurance policy chosen by you makes sure that your family is receiving timely financial help to pay off debts and meet regular living expenses. Furthermore, a life insurance plan does not hamper any kind of life goals and dreams and helps in their achievement.

In specific words, your insurance provider pays a lump sum amount to your family, in the form of insurance coverage, specified in the insurance policy. This amount is paid either to the nominee or to the insured person, in return for the premium after the completion of a specific period or case of the death of the insured.

Why you need a life insurance plan

1To grab family protection cover

Family is the most important thing for us. Protecting your family is as important as building it. Your spouse and kids prefer a net of financial safety around them. This is important because, in case of your sudden demise, they had to go through a financial crisis and had to manage a lot of things on their own. A life insurance plan gives a full proof shield of financial protection to your family. Moreover, you can avail good returns by investing money in better life insurance plans.

2To grow your savings

Each of us wants to multiply our savings and enhance financial buildup. Savings are important because money power is everything. Even if you have started your professional career just now, some life insurance plans can be very useful to save and invest money. If you are interested in the equity and debt market then ULIPs (Unit Linked Life Insurance Plans) are the most suited policies for you. You can also avail tax benefits through investing in life insurance policies.

3To get illness protection cover

Today, all of us know that medication and hospitalization are very expensive. In case of any sickness or medical emergency, both of these bring our savings to an end rapidly. Also, as you move towards an older age and retirement, life insurance policies in which critical illness is covered become more important. Various life insurance policies cover you from severe ailments such as heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. It is always advised to buy these types of life insurance policies so that you can manage the risk against some of the world’s most deadly diseases.

The best insurance brokers in India will certainly make you understand why you and your family are always in a need of the best life insurance policies in India.

Why you should opt for the best life insurance plan

Monetary and investment decisions should be taken with intelligence. A best life insurance plan provides you numerous benefits which are mentioned below. So you should always opt for a plan after evaluating it against these points.

1Peace of mind

If you have the best insurance policy in your hands with a satisfying amount of risk coverage, then your mind can take a rest without any tension. Peace of mind means your family members can now have trust in you for their future needs.

2Tax deductions

All of us want to grab maximum deductions while paying taxes. Section 80C of Indian law (Income Tax Act, 1961) states that by buying a life insurance policy you qualify for a straightforward tax deduction of 1.5 lakhs annually. The payment which an insured person receives at the time of maturity of the insurance policy is also tax-free (subjected to the conditions stated in Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act 1961). Though, the government of India can change the laws as they are subject to amendments from time to time. No matter the insurance provider company is public or private, both of them provide this benefit.

3Take care of business

Managing and running a business is a typical job, especially when it is done in a partnership. A sudden demise of a partner who possesses a share in the company increases the chances of ransacks, and the family can also suffer from a great economic crisis. Therefore, some insurance companies give a policyholder an option that at the time of his demise, his partners can legally purchase the policyholder’s share in the company. The amount of money received after selling the share can directly be transferred to the family members of the policyholder. In such a case, the remaining partner of the company who wants to purchase the share has to sign a mutual agreement with the insurance company.

4Assured income after retirement

There is no scope for earning a pension in private jobs. Even in many government jobs, the pension scheme is very limited and available to a handful of people. By investing in a life insurance plan with a suitable maturity date and satisfactory coverage, you can easily handle your financial needs after retirement.

5Online payment discount

In our country, most people are still unaware that if they opt for an online option for the payment of premium then they can avail of a considerable discount. This is so because the insurance company’s administrative and service costs diminish if one chooses to pay a premium online. No involvement of paperwork also reduces the time and monetary charges of the involved parties, the insurer, and the insured person.

6Child’s higher education

Better and higher education is too costly today. Students even had to take a big amount of loans from the banks to cover up their educational expenses. Therefore, with a better life insurance plan and guaranteed returns, you can easily make plans for the higher education of your children.

7Wealth creating opportunity

As mentioned above, ULIPs give you the benefit of cover with the added benefit of market-linked returns on your investment. This can be your supplementary wealth-creating opportunity.

So, these were the reasons why you should always opt for the best life insurance plans.

What are the important expressions about a life insurance policy you should know

We are Square Insurance, and we believe in transferring all sorts of important information to our present and prospective customers. We advise you to go through the below-mentioned important terms and read them briefly. You should understand these terms before purchasing any life insurance policy.

1Life Insurance coverage period or Policy Tenure

This is a period during which the insured person is given coverage under any policy of life insurance. The insurance coverage period can be different from a premium period. During which you are paying the premium of your policy to the insurance company. This period can also be termed as policy tenure, after which the policy becomes mature.


The person who is the possessor (the person who purchases the policy) of the life insurance policy is termed as the policyholder. Generally, this is the person who is insured under the life insurance policy. At other times, the policyholder can be a different person who is other than insured, such as a family member or a relative. In the case of Corporations and Partnership companies also a policyholder may not be as same as the insured person. The policyholder enjoys all the rights and privileges that are mentioned in the life insurance contract or policy document.

3Life Assured

This is the person whose life is insured against the risk of death in the insurance policy by the insurance provider. As mentioned before, the life assured can be different from the policyholder.

4Life Insurance Premium

This is the amount of money you decide to pay at regular intervals to the insurance company to keep the policy active, in return for which it provides you the life coverage. The amount of premium payable depends on several factors such as sum-assured, age and lifestyle habits of the insured person, period of the policy term, etc. In case, a policyholder does not pay the amount of premium on or before the due date (and during the grace period), the policy gets lapsed.

5Sum Assured

Sum assured is the predetermined total amount of money against which an insured is covered. This is the amount a policyholder’s family (or nominee) receives in case of the death of the insured person. Sum assured is decided by the policyholder after a deep discussion with the insurance expert, and is always mentioned in the policy documents by the insurance company. This amount depends on the evaluation and needs of the insured person.


In the world of life insurance, a nominee is a person to whom the amount becomes payable in case of the death of the insured. Policyholder or buyer is free to choose the person to whom they want to nominate a nominee. The nominee can be any family member of the policyholder or could be any other person. Generally, the nominee’s name is mentioned while purchasing a life insurance policy.

7Date of maturity

Date of maturity means the last date of your policy tenure. On this date policy becomes mature and the sum assured becomes payable to the insured person by the insurance provider.

8Insurance Riders

Riders are those additional benefits that a policyholder can choose to include in his policy by paying an extra amount of premium. These benefits are optional and flexible. They increase the coverage and financial safety of the family members and decrease the risk factor of the economic crisis that happened due to the untimely death of the insured person.

9Premium Payment mode and frequency

This is the selected option by a policyholder that whether he is ready to pay his premium online or offline. This also clarifies the time when the premium should be asked such as half-yearly, quarterly, or annually. This is decided at the time of purchasing the policy and is always mentioned in the policy documents.

10Death Benefit

Death benefit means if the policyholder or the insured person dies during the term period of the policy, then the insurance company will pay the death benefit to the nominee. Death benefit and sum assured are two separate entities. This could be lesser than or more than the sum assured, as it may also include the riders' benefits.

11Lapsed Policy

A policyholder has to pay a timely premium on or before the due date. If he fails to pay the premium after the grace period also, then the policy gets lapsed. This is known as a lapsed policy. Some insurance providers also give an option to their policyholders to generate the lapsed policy again, if they agree to pay the premium dues on time.

12Life Insurance Grace Period

A policyholder has to pay a timely premium on or before the due date. If he fails to pay the premium after the grace period also, then the policy gets lapsed. This is known as a lapsed policy. Some insurance providers also give an option to their policyholders to generate the lapsed policy again, if they agree to pay the premium dues on time.

13Claim process

Is the process of documentation through which the nominee received the sum assured in case of the death of the insured person. The nominee has to file a claim to receive the money.


Certain things are not included in the policy and remain uncovered. These points are clearly mentioned in the policy document and should be known to the policyholder. At the time of death of the insured, if the claim is made on these situations then the company is not liable to pay the sum assured or other benefits to the nominee.

What are the different types of life insurance plans insurance company generally provides you in our country

1Money-back plans

As the name conveys the idea directly, this plan provides you the guarantee to get the stipulated percentage of the sum assured, even after the survival of the policy term period. This sum assured is returned back to the insured at pre-decided regular intervals. This is the best insurance policy if anyone wants to make a wise investment decision and wants to get avail the element of liquidity with interest.

2Endowment plans

Endowment plans are a type of combination of savings and life insurance. After buying this plan you will not only receive life cover but also saving benefits. The insured will get a maturity benefit on surviving the term period of the policy. He will also get a periodic bonus (if the insurance company has declared any). Furthermore, as compared to the other insurance plans, the risk factor about the return on investment is low in the endowment plans. However, a low-risk factor also attracts a low return.

3Life Insurance Term Plans

Term insurance is the most basic and the most affordable type of life insurance plan. It offers a high amount of sum assured at affordable and flexible premiums. The insurance company pays your nominee the sum assured in case of your untimely death. These plans generally tend to ask for a low amount of premiums, however, if the insured person survives the term period of the policy, then the company is not liable to pay anything to anybody. The best term insurance plan provides all-around coverage at a competitive premium.

4Retirement plans

As the name suggests, these plans make your retirement life better. Retirement plans are also known as deferred pension product plans, and they provide you a pre-defined amount of pension depending upon the coverage taken by you, after the completion of the term period of your insurance policy. In case of your sudden demise, your nominated person will receive immediate payment. Otherwise, you will receive the vesting benefit continuously, on surviving the term period of the insurance policy. Generally, retirement plans provide monetary benefits in the form of monthly or annual installments (or as per the time frame decided at the time of buying the policy) or as a one-time pay-out released as soon as the insured person achieves the age of 60.

5Unit linked insurance plans

Also known as ULIPs in short, is the unique insurance plan which offers you a handsome combination and dual benefit of life coverage with a great deal of investment. In this plan, a portion of your money is invested in different fund channels (such as debt, bonds, mutual funds, equity market, etc.) while the rest of the money is used to provide you the life cover. This plan also pays you an amount to the nominee on your death and a maturity amount to the policyholder if he survives the term period. However, the amount of maturity is more dependent on the decisions of the investments you have taken rather than the scale of profits of the life insurer company.

6Children's plans

The basic idea behind a children's plan is to provide financial assistance to your children. The reason behind the idea of assistance could be anything such as higher studies, business, or marriage. With a children's plan, you also get the flexibility to invest money into various funds as per your financial condition and long-term goals. Basically, this plan acts as an instrument to generate funds for the policyholder's child. This plan provides benefits as installments on an annual basis or issues a one-time payment once the child achieves 18 years of age. The insurer pays the immediate benefit to the nominee of the policy in case of the demise of the policyholder.

7Whole life insurance plans

In this type of plan, extensive life coverage is given to the insurer till he is alive, some companies even extend this term period up to 100 years. The insurance company makes an estimate of the sum assured at the time of selling the policy. This amount is payable to the nominee after the death of the policyholder. As the name suggests, this plan provides life coverage during the whole life of the insured person.

How much cover do I need to include in my life insurance policy

The life insurance cover included in the insurance policy means the total sum assured against which all the essential risks are covered. This cover depends on personal and individual circumstances such as the age of the insured, number of family members, number of dependents, occupation, liabilities, gender, risk covers included, plan chosen, etc. However, the rule of thumb states that a person should include at least 10 to 20 times of risk cover of his annual earnings. This means that if your annual earning is near 10 lakh rupees, then your risk cover should amount to between 1 and 2 crores.

Let us examine an individual example. Suppose my age is 25 years and I am an unmarried person. I do not have any family member who is dependent on me. Also, I do not have to pay any loan in present or near future. I do not travel much as I am engaged in a 9 to 5 desk job. My lifestyle is healthy too. This means that I do not require a huge amount of cover in my life insurance policy. 10 times of my annual earnings will do all the favors to me, and it will be sufficient.

The cover which you are purchasing through your life insurance policy should clear all your outstanding liabilities, should take care of your spouse and children, and should provide you enough money for your children's education and marriage. Sometimes, your investment decisions also build a base to decide the amount of cover you have to choose. In case, any family member is prone to any type of disease, then medical bills will also increase your expenses. Therefore, the cover should be decided depending on all these variable factors. When you are calculating the cover, also remember the estimated annual expenses of your family. The cover should be enough at any point in time so that it could bear all the needs and requirements of the family. So, decide intelligently and choose wisely.

You can anytime take the advice of the best insurance brokers in India to help you out choose the exact cover which is right for you.

What is the term period of life insurance plan I should go for

Selecting the right term period for your life insurance policy is as essential as choosing the correct risk cover amount. Generally, a life insurance policy is purchased to cover your financial and personal risks until the age you are earning and working. And, this period should end at the end of your working age, usually around 58 to 60 years. However, sometimes, better health conditions and added family burdens can give you leverage to work till you attain even 70 years of age. Insurance experts say that you should select the term period of your life insurance policy wisely, such as it lasts till you would have cleared all your financial liabilities and loans, and make yourself free from the education and marriage of your children. The best insurance company will help you out in choosing the right term period for your life insurance policy.

What do we mean by life insurance riders and why they are considered important benefits

Insurance riders are nothing but add-on benefits through which one can escalate the coverage of his/her life insurance policy. These insurance riders are attached to the basic insurance policies by the policyholders to make them the best suitable plan which satisfies all of their necessities. We advise people to first understand the rider and its benefits, and then only include them in your policy. Adding riders just for the sake of increasing coverage is not an intelligent step to take. Therefore, first, let you know about all the riders available in the market, understand them, and then add them to the policy as per your need and requirements. We are highlighting specific riders below and explaining their advantages in brief, just to make them clear in front of the policyholders. Let us have a look.

1Premium waiver rider

Sometimes, insured people become unable to pay the amount of premium due to any disability or death, because they are left with no option of earning income during such condition. In these cases, there is a danger of continuing the policy when the premium becomes non-payable from the side of the policyholder. In such a scenario, a premium waiver rider comes into the picture. The insurance company pays the premium from the side of the insured and the policy remains to continue as it is. Our future is unpredictable but we can cover such risks by including premium waiver rider in our policies.

2Critical illness rider

The benefit of this rider differs from one insurance company to another. Illnesses that are covered under this rider are heart attack, coma, paralysis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, stroke, kidney or lungs failure, etc. It is advised to the policyholder to have a look at the diseases covered by his insurance provider as all the providers do not cover all the illnesses. If in case, any of the diseases arise in the future then the insured may bear the medical expenses of the illness from the sum assured. The only thing which is to be noted here is he has to survive the waiting period mentioned in the policy to avail of this benefit. Also, chain-smokers and the person living an unhealthy lifestyle may not be given this advantage by the insurance company.

3Accidental death benefit rider

If the insured has included this rider in his insurance policy then, at the time of his accidental death the nominee will receive an additional accidental death benefit along with the amount of sum assured. In simpler words, if the insured person dies due to an accident then his nominee is benefited from this rider. Some of the insurance providers have extended the time period in which death can occur after an accident, to extend the coverage offered. Therefore, it is necessary to read this clause before including this rider in your policy, because the time considered for death varies from company to company. People who travel more often due to business work, or people who drive cars or bike more than average, ought to include this rider in their policy.

4Accidental permanent disability rider

This rider assists the insured's family in the form of a regular monthly income, if in a case due to an accident the insured is temporarily or permanently disabled and is unable to continue his job or business. This rider only provides coverage till a pre-decided time and also differs from one company to another. People, who travel more, should opt for accidental permanent disability riders.

5Hospital cash rider

The policyholders who want specific coverage against the expenses which are related to an emergency hospitalization should opt for this rider. Under hospital cash rider, the policyholder or the person insured is paid a fixed amount by the insurance company in case of any emergency hospitalization. The amount paid by the company may differ from plan to plan, and sum assured to sum assured. Therefore, it is suggested to read the terms and conditions and compare plans of different companies before including this rider in your policy. You should contact the best insurance agents to let you know which riders suit you the most.

Which documents are required to buy a new life insurance policy

In general, an insurance company can ask you to fetch the following below-mentioned documents, in case you wish to purchase a new life insurance policy

Certificate of Your Income

To make a correct estimation of the sum assured offered to an insured, the company needs to undergo your income documents in depth. Generally, insurance companies use to offer a sum assured up to 20 times your annual income. This is the reason you have to produce the following documents

  • ITR (income tax return) statement of last few years
  • Last 3 to 6 salary slips of your received salary
  • A copy of the bank statement for the last 6 months
  • A certificate issued by your CA (in case you run your business)
  • Form 16, duly filled and signed

Proof of your Address

The insurance company needs to know your address details for future correspondence. Therefore, you can give the following documents as address proof

  • Copy of Voter ID
  • Copy of driving license
  • Copy of Aadhar Card
  • Copy of Ration Card
  • Copy of Passport
  • Copy of latest bank statement with passbook
  • Copy of last few electricity, water, or gas-line bills

Proof of your Age

The amount of premium and sum assured under different plans has a direct relation with the age of the insured person. The company needs to locate your correct age when you are purchasing the policy. You can present the following documents for the same:

  • Copy of PAN card
  • Copy of Aadhar Card
  • Copy of Ration Card
  • Copy of Passport
  • Copy of Voter ID
  • Copy of driving license
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • School or university transfer certificate (TC)

Identification documents

you can provide any one or two of your identity proofs. Driving license, Aadhar card, Voter ID, PAN card, Passport document, all are valid.

Other documents

A prospective buyer would have to submit the below-mentioned documents also, to the insurance company:

  • Application form, duly filled and signed
  • Policy declaration (vary from company to company)
  • A final declaration document stating that all the information and details provided by the buyer are genuine and correct
  • Any other necessary declaration or statement asked by the insurance company

What is the process to file a life insurance claim for your policy under different circumstances, and which documents are required for the same

People often imagine that filing a claim for your life insurance policy and getting a payout out of it is a very difficult task to manage. But, the reality is contrasting. Filing a life insurance claim is as easy as purchasing the policy. Apart from knowing the exact procedure, the only thing you need to fulfill is the list of documents. Know the process, keep the documents handy and then proceed. We are guiding you with the steps to file a life insurance claim in both of certain circumstances

1To file a claim in the event of a death

The nominee should inform the company as soon as it is possible for him. It is advised to arrange a direct contact through a phone call rather than an email. Moving forward, the nominee has to share all the required information and details such as the name of the policyholder, policy number, place of death, etc. If you have purchased an online policy then you can simply log on to the website and can file an online claim. However, in the case of an offline purchase, a claim intimation form is also needed to submit to the company. At last, the claim support team of the company will verify the documents and will approve the claim. Soon, the amount of the claim will be transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary. In certain cases, the insurance company may ask the nominee to provide some more details.

2Documents required

  • Claim form, duly filled and signed
  • Death certificate of the insured
  • Original copy of the life insurance policy
  • Deeds of the assignment (if any)

Post-mortem reports, hospitalization certificate, or doctor’s certificate (if required in your case) Investigation reports of police enquires

Identification certificates of the beneficiary (Aadhar, passport, voter ID, and PAN card) bank account details of the beneficiary, with a copy of the canceled cheque. Once you submit all these above-mentioned documents, the insurance provider will verify them. After the verification process, the insurer will settle the claim. The claim settlement process usually takes 30 days a maximum. Once the documents and process get approved, the insurer immediately transfers the amount to the nominee’s bank account.

3To file a claim at the event of maturity

If the insured person survives the term period of the insurance policy then he owns the right to enjoy all the benefits of maturity. Although, the insured person has to make sure that he/she has paid all the amount of due premiums on time. The maturity date is usually the last date of the term period of the policy.

The insurance provider informs the insured when the policy is about to mature in near future. The company tells him about the maturity amount, maturity date, and other details. A discharge voucher is also sent by the insurer to the insured person along with these details. Then, the insured has to sign the discharge voucher and has to return it to the company along with the original copy of the policy. In case, a nominee is a different person, then he/she has to sign the discharge voucher. Based on these documents, and terms and conditions, all the maturity benefits are provided by the company to the nominee.


If in a scenario, the policyholder dies in between the period of settlement after the filing of maturity claim then it will be considered as a maturity claim only. All the benefits under this case will be provided as a maturity policy.

To file a claim at the event of maturity

If the insured person survives the term period of the insurance policy then he owns the right to enjoy all the benefits of maturity. Although, the insured person has to make sure that he/she has paid all the amount of due premiums on time. The maturity date is usually the last date of the term period of the policy.

What Are The Things You Need To Know To Find Out The Best Life Insurance Company

The best insurance providing company or the best broking company always make sure that its present and prospective clients should get all the below-mentioned advantages from the company’s service. We are Square Insurance Brokers Private Limited and we do not forget to offer the following advantages to our clients

1A world-className management team and insurance agents

Our clients claim that our insurance agents are the best in the city. During these years while offering exceptional service, we have manufactured a trained and updated generation of agents who pass on the unmatchable services. Time to time development meetings built our brokers the pre-eminent ones.

2Quickest claim settlement process

At the time of claim settlement, we can assure you that we provide the fastest and hustle-free service. Our claim settlement ratio is far better than other broking companies. This is the prominent reason why SIBPL is people’s favorite insurance company.

3Timely reminders about premiums

None of our customers misses the due date of depositing the premiums. We have built our system in such a way that it automatically sends required reminders to you about transferring premiums. So, there is a zero percent chance of a lapsed policy.

4Transparency in dealings

Our brokers and agents believe in passing on all the important information to the customers. We follow transparency parameters in all our dealings.

5Technically developed channel

We keep our website and application, as well as all other online channels up to date. The software which we use in our dealings is best in the market. Also, our technical team is trained in such a way as to overcome any technical glitch within a few hours. Furthermore, to find out which is the best life insurance company, you need to have a look at its technical upgrades.

6Hustle-free service for everything

whether you talk about expert advice or policy framework, we always try to offer an easy solution with the fastest speed. Providing a satisfactory answer to all the inquiries from clients is our watchword. We believe in supplying paramount satisfaction through our all-around services.

7Trained CCR

a 100 percent customer satisfaction ratio signifies that our customer care department is doing a commendable job. We train our CCR to provide individualized solutions to present and prospective clients.

8Reviews of the customers

Customers never say false things. A good customer satisfaction ratio and their reviews depict the overall functionality and goodwill of the company. Prospective clients should check the reviews of the insurance provider before buying any type of plan from them. SIBPL holds an immense database of customer reviews which reveals that we are the best in business.

Furthermore, during these years of excellent service, we have manufactured the best POS insurance agents in India.

FAQ's on Life Insurance Policy

A term insurance plan is the most economical type of insurance plan, though it doesn't offer any survival benefit. These plans expire when the term period of the policy ends. On the other hand, a term plan with a return of premium is also a variant of a life insurance plan and it offers survival benefits too. This is the best life insurance term plan which is offered by many leading companies.

Life insurance is taken to ensure the financial stability of your loved ones, after your death. Furthermore, this can be the best investment tool also. If your lifestyle and daily routine are risk-prone then you should take life insurance as soon as possible. Therefore, it is suggested that one should not wait for an exact time to purchase a life insurance policy.

In general, a claim can be rejected by the company in certain situations such as false details provided in the application form while purchasing the policy, a lapse of the policy due to non-payment of premium on time, type of death, or situations not covered in the insurance policy, any new illness or situation arises which are not covered in the insurance plan, etc.

The duration of the settlement of the claim can vary from company to company. Though, all the companies claim and try to payout the beneficiary the sum assured as soon as possible. Plans like New-Age Term Life Insurance can be settled within one business day after filing the claim.

The maximum and minimum age to buy a life insurance policy is not fixed, and it can also differ from company to company. However, most of the best life insurance companies in India have 18 years as minimum and 65 years as the maximum age to buy a life insurance plan.

Yes, you can appoint a minor person as your nominee. However, the appointee should have completed the age of 18 years.

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