7 Tips to Change Your Bike Engine Oil

Bike engine oil is one of the most crucial elements that enhance the life and efficiency of bikes. It helps in the optimum utilization of the bike by avoiding friction within the engine. Changing bike oil also cuts the repairing cost involved in the longer term.
So if you are looking to buy a bike and want to know how to change bike engine oil, this article is for you. It's time to make your bike run more smoothly and efficiently for a longer time.
Find India's Best Bike Engine Oils for 2025
Why Is A Bike Engine Oil Change Necessary?
Regular changing of engine oil is necessary for multiple reasons. Here are some benefits to consider:
- Changing the bike engine oil at proper intervals enhances the performance of the bike.
- It also helps in avoiding multiple faults that happen due to wear and tear of engines at the time of friction.
- It also prevents a drop in the performance of the bike due to these faults.
Tips To Remember
Proper maintenance of the bike by changing engine oil on time is very important to have stress-free rides. Here are some tips that can help you:
1. Frequency of changing bike engine oil
There is no specific time interval to change the engine oil of the bike. But, to be on the safer side you should change engine oil every 3000-4000 km. A regular oiling can keep your engine healthy and protect it from severe wear and tear.
2. Check the leakage, if any.
Bike riders must understand that refilling oil becomes very crucial at the time of leakage. Any kind of leakage may lead to excessive breakdowns and damage to the bike. You should check the oil level of the engine to avoid such issues.
3. Get set with all the essentials.
There are many things required when it comes to changing bike oil. The list goes like, an oil screen, fresh oil bottle, nut bolts, oil funnel, and of course measuring cup for the same. Also, just go through the procedure that will help you to change the engine oil.
4. Go with fresh engine oil only.
It is also important to note that stored, unbranded, local, or cheap engine oil can only cut your costs for the next few months. However, it may lead to a severe decline in the performance of the bike in the future. That will lead to extra maintenance and repair costs for the user. To tackle all these shortcomings, using fresh oil is vital for bike users.
5. Consider the oil filter's cleanliness.
The oil filter works for the betterment of the engine by filtering the oil before use. Bike users must change the oil filter before pouring fresh oil into the engine as the filter gets dirty due to metallic particles, and oxidized oil. It enhances the efficiency of the bike in the long term.
6. Get an add-on for your engines along with bike insurance.
At the time of buying bike insurance, you need to consider the importance of opting for insurance coverage for the engine as well. Apart from all the tips discussed above, Engine protection cover is one of the most important precaution steps when it comes to protecting a bike’s engine.
Such damages include oil leakage, retention of water, and damage to any part of the engine including the piston, gearbox, and cylinder.
7. Use the recommended oil by the manufacturer.
The availability of engine oil starts from the highest to the lowest price point in the available range. Just like any other product, the lower price reflects compromising with the quality of the product, maybe by adulteration in oil.
The recommended engine oil by the bike manufacturers may cost more than the one available at a low price but surely gives a better return in the long run to the bike user. Also, it leads to lesser friction and hence less damage to the engine.
The above-mentioned points are quite enough to understand the importance of changing engine oil periodically. It helps to maintain the performance of the bike to a desirable level. To make it more efficient just go for some add-on cover plans for engine damage along with your go-to plans. These bike insurance plans have always been useful when it comes to the protection of the bike just in return for some extra premium amount.
What should be the time interval for changing bike oil?
After every 3000-4000 km, it is suggested to change engine oil.
Is it important to change the oil filter every time?
Yes, it is very important to change oil filters within the same interval of time as engine oils. The dirt and dust will lead to clog and hence reduce the efficiency of the engine oil and bike as well.
Is oil spillage at the time of filling normal?
Yes, it is very normal. But the use of a proper funnel will surely help to have control over it. Also just go through the procedure guide of filling engine oil to make the process easier.
What to do with used oil filters and oil?
Get it to the recycling center. Due to the hazardous nature of the oil filters and oil itself, it is important to not throw it into the dustbins.